With today's post, I plan to wrap up the serialization
members. I'd originally planned to also show a simple example of how to implement
the serialization functionality they provide, but after the post had grown to the
length it ended up at, and since I'd planned on showing a deeper example, it feels
to me like it makes more sense to roll the basic implementation guidelines into the
deeper look.
The Other Serialization Class
There's just one more class in the serialization
module that needs
to be shown, but it's the one that will probably be used most often: IsJSONSerializable
is the abstract class that concrete classes will
inherit from in order to access the SanitizedJSON
it provides, as well
as to be able to be registered for automatic json
handling for that module's dump*
and load*
The class-diagram for IsJSONSerializable
looks like this:
derives from
(kind of implements) HasSerializationDict
. It doesn't actually
implement any of the functionality required by HasSerializationDict
but it does pass that requirement on to the concrete classes derived from
it. HasSerializationDict
is a pretty small interface:
The IsJSONSerializable
Abstract Class
There isn't a lot about IsJSONSerializable
that I haven't already
discussed, and none of it that I think is relevant before I show the actual code,
so I'll just do that:
class IsJSONSerializable( HasSerializationDict, object ):
Provides baseline functionality, interface requirements and type-identity for
objects whose state-data can be serialized to and unserialized from JSON."""
# Abstraction through abc.ABCMeta #
__metaclass__ = abc.ABCMeta
# Class attributes (and instance- #
# attribute default values) #
_decoratedJSON = {}
_jsonPublicFields = ()
_registeredLoadables = {}
# Instance property-getter methods #
def _GetPythonNamespace( self ):
Gets the Python namespace of the class that the instance is an instance of."""
return '%s.%s' % ( self.__class__.__module__,
self.__class__.__name__ )
def _GetSanitizedJSON( self ):
Gets a minimized JSON representation of the instance containing only those
fields that are deemed safe for transmission over a network"""
if not self.__class__._jsonPublicFields:
raise AttributeError( '%s.SanitizedJSON cannot be retrieved, '
'because %s has not specified any public JSON fields (fields '
'allowed to be represented in a JSON dump). Correct this by '
'populating the _jsonPublicFields class-attribute of %s' % (
self.__class__.__name__, self.__class__.__name__,
return json.dumps( self.GetSerializationDict( True ) )
# Instance property-setter methods #
# Instance property-deleter methods #
# Instance Properties (abstract OR #
# concrete!) #
PythonNamespace = describe.makeProperty(
_GetPythonNamespace, None, None,
'the fully-qualified Python namespace of the instance\'s class',
str, unicode
SanitizedJSON = describe.makeProperty(
_GetSanitizedJSON, None, None,
'a minimized JSON representation of the instance containing only '
'those fields that are deemed safe for transmission over a network',
unicode, str
# Instance Initializer #
@describe.todo( 'Document __init__' )
@describe.todo( 'Implement __init__' )
def __init__( self ):
Instance initializer"""
# IsJSONSerializable is intended to be an abstract class,
# and is NOT intended to be instantiated. Alter at your own risk!
if self.__class__ == IsJSONSerializable:
raise NotImplementedError( 'IsJSONSerializable is '
'intended to be an abstract class, NOT to be instantiated.' )
# Call parent initializers, if applicable.
HasSerializationDict.__init__( self )
# Set default instance property-values with _Del... methods as needed.
# Set instance property values from arguments if applicable.
# Other set-up
# Instance Garbage Collection #
# Instance Methods #
@describe.argument( 'dictIn',
'the dictionary to sanitize',
str, unicode
@describe.keywordargs( 'additional values to add to dictIn' )
def SanitizeDict( self, dictIn={}, **dictItems ):
Returns a copy of the supplied dict, with any fields that aren't members of
the class' _jsonPublicFields attribute removed."""
if dictIn and not isinstance( dictIn, dict ):
raise TypeError( '%s.SanitizeDict expects a dictionary of '
'values to sanitize, or None for its dictIn argument, but '
'was passed "%s" (%s)' % ( self.__class__.__name__,
dictIn, type( dictIn ).__name__ ) )
dictIn.update( dictItems )
return dict(
( key, dictIn[ key ] ) for key in dictIn
if key in self.__class__._jsonPublicFields
# Class Methods #
@describe.argument( 'jsonData',
'the JSON representation of the object to create and return',
str, unicode
@describe.raises( TypeError, 'if passed a jsonData argument that is not a '
'str or unicode value' )
def FromJSON( cls, jsonData ):
Creates and returns an instance of the class whose state-data is populated with
the values from the supplied JSON serialization-data"""
if type( jsonData ) not in ( str, unicode ):
raise TypeError( '%s.FromJSON expectes a str or unicode JSON '
'construct, but was passed "%s" (%s)' % (
cls.__name__, jsonData, type( jsonData ).__name__ )
return cls.FromDict( json.loads( jsonData ) )
def RegisterLoadable( cls ):
Registers the class as a JSON-serializable type with IsJSONSerializable."""
namespace = '%s.%s' % ( cls.__module__, cls.__name__ )
if IsJSONSerializable._registeredLoadables.get( namespace ):
raise RuntimeError( 'The %s class cannot be registered as JSON-'
'loadable using the %s namespace: %s has already been '
'registered as a JSON-loadable there' % ( cls.__name__,
IsJSONSerializable._registeredLoadables[ namespace ].__name__ )
IsJSONSerializable._registeredLoadables[ namespace ] = cls
# Static Class Methods #
@describe.argument( 'origfunc',
'[json.dump] The original function to wrap IsJSONSerializable checking'
@describe.raises( RuntimeError, 'if not passed json.dump' )
@describe.returns( 'The replacement function for json.dump' )
def wrapjsondump( origfunc ):
Wraps checking for IsJSONSerializable-derived classes around the standard
json.dump function. Note that this dumps *ALL* fields, so output is *NOT*
sanitized for over-the-wire transit!"""
if IsJSONSerializable._decoratedJSON.get( origfunc ):
return IsJSONSerializable._decoratedJSON[ origfunc ]
if origfunc != json.dump:
raise RuntimeError( 'wrapjsondump expects json.dump as the '
'function to decorate,but was passed %s' % ( origfunc ) )
def _dump( obj, fp, skipkeys=False, ensure_ascii=True,
check_circular=True, allow_nan=True, cls=None, indent=None,
separators=None, encoding='utf-8', default=None, sort_keys=False,
**kw ):
if isinstance( obj, IsJSONSerializable ):
objNS = obj.PythonNamespace
obj = obj.GetSerializationDict()
obj[ '__namespace' ] = objNS
return origfunc( obj, fp, skipkeys, ensure_ascii, check_circular,
allow_nan, cls, indent, separators, encoding, default,
sort_keys, **kw )
IsJSONSerializable._decoratedJSON[ origfunc ] = _dump
return _dump
@describe.argument( 'origfunc',
'[json.dumps] The original function to wrap IsJSONSerializable checking'
@describe.raises( RuntimeError, 'if not passed json.dumps' )
@describe.returns( 'The replacement function for json.dumps' )
def wrapjsondumps( origfunc ):
Wraps checking for IsJSONSerializable-derived classes around the standard
json.dumps function. Note that this dumps *ALL* fields, so output is *NOT*
sanitized for over-the-wire transit!"""
if IsJSONSerializable._decoratedJSON.get( origfunc ):
return IsJSONSerializable._decoratedJSON[ origfunc ]
if origfunc != json.dumps:
raise RuntimeError( 'wrapjsondump expects json.dump as the '
'function to decorate,but was passed %s' % ( origfunc ) )
def _dumps( obj, skipkeys=False, ensure_ascii=True,
check_circular=True, allow_nan=True, cls=None, indent=None,
separators=None, encoding='utf-8', default=None, sort_keys=False,
**kw ):
if isinstance( obj, IsJSONSerializable ):
warnings.warn( '%s is an instance derived from '
'IsJSONSerializable, and has "sanitized" JSON available '
'in its SanitizedJSON property..' %
( obj.__class__.__name__ ),
UnsanitizedJSONWarning, stacklevel=2
objNS = obj.PythonNamespace
obj = obj.GetSerializationDict()
obj[ '__namespace' ] = objNS
return origfunc( obj, skipkeys, ensure_ascii, check_circular,
allow_nan, cls, indent, separators, encoding, default,
sort_keys, **kw )
IsJSONSerializable._decoratedJSON[ origfunc ] = _dumps
return _dumps
@describe.argument( 'origfunc',
'[json.load] The original function to wrap IsJSONSerializable checking'
@describe.raises( RuntimeError, 'if not passed json.load' )
@describe.returns( 'The replacement function for json.load' )
def wrapjsonload( origfunc ):
Replaces json.load with a function that hands processing off to a subclass of
IsJSONSerializable for unserialization of the JSON data into an instance of the
class when applicable"""
if origfunc != json.load:
raise RuntimeError( 'wrapjsonload expects json.load as the '
'function to decorate, but was passed %s' % ( origfunc ) )
if IsJSONSerializable._decoratedJSON.get( origfunc ):
return IsJSONSerializable._decoratedJSON[ origfunc ]
def _load( *args, **kw ):
baseDict = origfunc( *args, **kw )
objNS = baseDict.get( '__namespace' )
except AttributeError:
objNS = None
if objNS:
if type( baseDict ) != dict:
raise ValueError( 'Decorated override of json.loads '
'expected a dict value to convert to an instance of '
'IsJSONSerializable, but the supplied JSON evaluated '
'to "%s" (%s)' % (
baseDict, type( baseDict ).__name__
objClass = IsJSONSerializable._registeredLoadables.get( objNS )
if objClass:
return objClass.FromDict( baseDict )
raise RuntimeError( 'decorated override of json.load could not '
'find a valid object-namespace (%s) to work with: %s' % (
objNS, args[ 0 ] ) )
return baseDict
IsJSONSerializable._decoratedJSON[ origfunc ] = _load
return _load
@describe.argument( 'origfunc',
'[json.loads] The original function to wrap IsJSONSerializable checking'
@describe.raises( RuntimeError, 'if not passed json.loads' )
@describe.returns( 'The replacement function for json.loads' )
def wrapjsonloads( origfunc ):
Replaces json.loads with a function that hands processing off to a subclass of
IsJSONSerializable for unserialization of the JSON data into an instance of the
class when applicable"""
if origfunc != json.loads:
raise RuntimeError( 'wrapjsonloads expects json.loads as the '
'function to decorate,but was passed %s' % ( origfunc ) )
if IsJSONSerializable._decoratedJSON.get( origfunc ):
return IsJSONSerializable._decoratedJSON[ origfunc ]
def _loads( *args, **kw ):
baseDict = origfunc( *args, **kw )
objNS = baseDict.get( '__namespace' )
except AttributeError:
objNS = None
if objNS:
if type( baseDict ) != dict:
raise ValueError( 'Decorated override of json.loads '
'expected a dict value to convert to an instance of '
'IsJSONSerializable, but the supplied JSON evaluated '
'to "%s" (%s)' % (
baseDict, type( baseDict ).__name__
objClass = IsJSONSerializable._registeredLoadables.get( objNS )
if objClass:
return objClass.FromDict( baseDict )
raise RuntimeError( 'decorated override of json.loads could '
'not find a valid object-namespace (%s) to work with: %s' %
( objNS, args[ 0 ] )
return baseDict
IsJSONSerializable._decoratedJSON[ origfunc ] = _loads
return _loads
# Append to __all__ #
__all__.append( 'IsJSONSerializable' )
From top to bottom, here are the pieces that I think are worth mentioning in a bit more detail...
The _jsonPublicFields
class-attribute is inherited by derived classes,
rather than being used in IsJSONSerializable
itself. In those derived
classes, it is used by the property-getter method for the SanitizedJSON
property (_GetSanitizedJSON
) to determine which of the class'
properties/fields will be kept in the sanitized
JSON output for instances
of the class.
The _registeredLoadables
class-attribute is where registered classes
derived from IsJSONSerializable
are kept track of. It shouldn't be altered
by derived classes directly — all that needs to be done with it is done by the
inherited RegisterLoadable
class-method. I'll go a bit more into that when
I show how to use IsJSONSerializable
a bit later in this post.
, the property-getter for the SanitizedJSON
property, turned out to be a lot less complicated than I'd feared it would
— But a good part of that, I suspect, is because all of the heavy lifting involved
in sanitizing
JSON output really has to happen at the level of the
method required in derived classes, but not dealt
with at all in IsJSONSerializable
I had several false starts while I was trying to work out a solid mechanism for
providing access to sanitized JSON output. This is, I think, the third or perhaps
fourth run I've taken at it, but this feels like it should do what I want it to do,
based on some of the preliminary code I've started writing for the deep dive
post that will follow this one.
The SanitizeDict
method provides a common mechanism that will
exist across all instances derived from IsJSONSerializable
generate a sanitized
dictionary, using the instance's class'
attribute to determine what can be safely sent
across the wire. Although implementation of GetSerializationDict
derived classes can (and argubaly should) use SanitizeDict
to filter down the generic GetSerializationDict
results, there's
no actual reason that implementations must do so... It's there as a
convenient standard process, and will have been thoroughly tested, so there's
an advantage to doing so, but it's not required.
All told, this entire process also ensures that a developer has to make a
conscious decision to include a field in the sanitized
JSON output
— anything that isn't explicitly allowed is removed.
uses the FromDict
method (required by
) of the derived class to create an instance of
the class, populated with the data from the JSON, and returns it. Under normal
circumstances, this will be called by the overridden json.load*
from the last post, and they will know which class' FromJSON
to call
based on the __namespace
provided in the JSON. That assumes that the
is provided, of course, but any JSON generated by the overridden
functions will have them.
is the class-method that registers the class as
available for the overridden json.load*
functions. In use, it should
be called from the derived class as soon as that class is defined. For example:
class MyClass( IsJSONSerializable ):
# ... the definition of the class ...
The last item of note with respect to IsJSONSerializable
is the
disposition of the json
-function decorators from the last post. I decided
to move those into IsJSONSerializable
as static methods rather than
keeping them as free-standing functions in the serialization
I can't really completely explain why I chose to do that, though —
most of it was a gut feeling that it'd be safer or maybe easier to manage if they
didn't have to be imported one at a time from outside the module, though I couldn't
think of a use-case where I'd want or need to do that that made any sense. Still, I
have a lingering feeling that it could happen, so for now I'm going to leave them
where I've put them.
Other Things That the serialization
module does
It may be obvious to state this: When a module is imported, all the code in it
that can be executed is executed. That means that a module can call
functions to perform tasks that might be needed for the module to provide all of
the functionality it's supposed to. It may be less obvious that when a member
of a module is imported (like, say, only IsJSONSerializable
from the
module) all the module's code is still executed.
Remember the IsJSONSerializable.wrapjson*
static methods?
Those need to be fired off, assigning their replacement functions to all of the
original json
-module functions they are intended to replace, any
time that IsJSONSerializable
is in play. The serialization
module does this by explicitly calling them (replacing the originals with the
decorator-replacements) like this:
# Decoration/override of json.xxxxx #
json.dump = IsJSONSerializable.wrapjsondump( json.dump )
json.dumps = IsJSONSerializable.wrapjsondumps( json.dumps )
json.load = IsJSONSerializable.wrapjsonload( json.load )
json.loads = IsJSONSerializable.wrapjsonloads( json.loads )
I'll jump right in to a simple implementation of IsJSONSerializable
(with all of the basic requirements and caveats) in my next post, as well as the
promised deep dive into what a IsJSONSerializable
implementation can
actually do. In the meantime, here's the final code for the serialization
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